Breach Of Contract In Singapore: What Are Your Options

Written by Team Farallon

  • Farallon Law Corporation
  • January 10, 2024

Overview of Contract Law in Singapore

Contract law in Singapore is predominantly derived from common law principles. The basis of contract law is that a contract represents a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, with each party agreeing to specific obligations that are enforceable by law. In Singapore, contracts are governed by a combination of statutes and case law, with the Contracts Act being particularly influential.

The essential elements required for a valid contract in Singapore include an offer, acceptance, intention to create legal relations, and consideration. An offer is a clear statement of terms on which the offeror is prepared to be legally bound. Acceptance refers to the unconditional agreement to all terms of the offer. For a contract to be legally binding, there must be an intention to create legal relations. Lastly, consideration involves something of value being exchanged between the contracting parties.

In the context of contract breaches, it’s important to understand these fundamentals as they determine the validity and enforceability of a contract. A contract that lacks any of these elements may be deemed void or unenforceable, affecting the legal recourse available in cases of breach.

Singapore’s legal system is efficient and well-regarded, offering a robust framework for contract enforcement. This underpins the confidence in commercial and personal agreements within the country, providing a stable environment for both domestic and international contractual relationships.

Definition and Elements of Breach of Contract

A breach of contract in Singaporean law occurs when a party to a contract fails to fulfil their obligations as stipulated in the agreement. This failure can be either partial or total and can occur in various forms such as not performing a task, not delivering a service or product, or not meeting the specified standards or deadlines.

The elements of a breach of contract typically include the following:

Existence of a Valid Contract

For a breach to occur, there must first be a legally binding agreement. This involves the presence of all the essential elements of a contract such as offer, acceptance, intention to create legal relations, and consideration.

Obligations Specified in the Contract

The contract must clearly outline the obligations and expectations of all parties involved.

Failure to Fulfil Obligations

This is the crux of a breach of contract. It refers to the non-performance, partial performance, or unsatisfactory performance of the agreed terms.

Resulting Loss or Damage

For a claim of breach of contract to be actionable, there must be some form of loss or damage suffered by the non-breaching party due to the failure of the other party to meet their contractual obligations.

In Singapore’s legal framework, the emphasis is placed on the explicit terms of the contract and the actual performance of the contractual obligations. This focus ensures a fair assessment of contractual disputes and the enforcement of agreements in accordance with the law.

Common Types of Contract Breaches

In Singapore, contract breaches are categorized based on the nature and extent of the failure to uphold contractual obligations. The common types of contract breaches include:

Minor Breach

This occurs when there is a slight deviation from the contract terms, but the core objectives of the contract are still met. Although it may cause inconvenience, it does not typically result in significant loss or damage.

Material Breach

This is a more serious violation where a key term of the contract is not fulfilled, significantly affecting the contract’s purpose. This type of breach often results in considerable harm or loss to the non-breaching party.

Anticipatory Breach

This type of breach occurs when one party indicates, either through words or actions, that they will not be fulfilling their contractual obligations in the future. It allows the non-breaching party to take action before the actual breach occurs.

Fundamental Breach

This is the most serious type of breach and occurs when the violation is so severe that it permits the non-breaching party to terminate the contract and seek compensation for damages. A fundamental breach goes to the very heart of the contract and completely undermines its purpose.

Each type of breach carries different legal implications and remedies. The severity of the breach often dictates the course of action, whether it be seeking damages, terminating the contract, or pursuing alternative dispute resolution methods.

Determining the Presence of a Breach

Establishing the presence of a breach of contract is one of the first steps in addressing contractual disputes in Singapore. This determination is not always straightforward and involves a careful examination of the contract terms and the circumstances of the alleged non-performance. The key considerations in this process include:

Analysis of Contract Terms

The first step is to closely examine the specific terms and conditions of the contract. This involves understanding the obligations that were agreed upon and determining if these have been violated.

Evaluation of Performance

Assessing whether the performance of the parties involved aligns with the contractual obligations is crucial. This includes looking at the quality, timeliness, and completeness of the performance.

Contextual Considerations

The context in which the alleged breach occurred is also important. Factors such as industry standards, prior dealings between the parties, and any extenuating circumstances can play a significant role in evaluating the breach.

Evidence of Non-Performance

Gathering and presenting evidence that clearly shows a party’s failure to meet their contractual obligations is essential. This may include documentation, correspondence, and witness testimony.

Impact of the Alleged Breach

Finally, it is important to consider the impact of the alleged breach. This involves assessing whether the breach has caused any harm or loss to the other party and if so, the extent of this damage.

By methodically going through these considerations, parties can establish whether a breach of contract has occurred. This forms the basis for seeking remedies and resolving the dispute, either through legal proceedings or alternative dispute resolution methods.

Remedies for Breach of Contract in Singapore

When a breach of contract occurs in Singapore, the affected party has several legal remedies at their disposal. The choice of remedy generally depends on the nature of the breach and the impact it has had. The main remedies include:

Monetary Compensation (Damages)

This is the most common remedy for breach of contract. The non-breaching party is awarded a sum of money intended to compensate for the loss or damage suffered due to the breach. The aim is to put the injured party in the position they would have been in had the breach not occurred.

Specific Performance

In certain cases, the court may order the breaching party to fulfil their obligations under the contract. This remedy is typically used when monetary compensation is inadequate, such as in cases involving unique goods or services.

Contract Termination

The non-breaching party may be entitled to terminate the contract if the breach is sufficiently serious. This releases them from their obligations under the contract and they may also seek damages for losses incurred.


This is a court order preventing the breaching party from taking a particular action that would constitute a breach or further breach of the contract.


In some cases, the court may order the breaching party to return the value received under the contract to the non-breaching party.

Seek legal advice to determine the most appropriate remedy for their situation.

Evaluating the Decision to Pursue Legal Action

Below are several factors that parties must carefully assess when deciding whether to pursue legal action in the case of a breach of contract:

Extent of the Breach

The severity and impact of the breach play a crucial role in determining whether legal action is warranted. If the breach has caused substantial harm or loss, legal action may be more justified.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Parties should consider the costs of legal proceedings, including time, money, and resources, against the potential benefits. This includes assessing the likelihood of a favourable outcome and the potential recovery of damages.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Before proceeding to court, exploring ADR options such as mediation or arbitration can be beneficial. ADR methods are often more cost-effective and quicker, and they allow for more control over the outcome by the parties involved.

Impact on Future Relations

The effect of legal action on business or personal relationships should be considered. Litigation can be adversarial and may strain or sever ongoing relationships.

Statute of Limitations

In Singapore, legal action for breach of contract must be taken within a specific time frame. Understanding and adhering to these legal time limits is essential.

Legal Advice

Consulting with a lawyer who specialises in contract law can provide clarity on the viability of the case, potential outcomes, and the best course of action. Legal advice is invaluable in navigating the complexities of contract law.

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Negotiation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) often provide a more amicable and efficient way to resolve disputes compared to litigation. Key aspects of these approaches include:


This is the process where parties involved in a dispute engage in discussions to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. It is often the first step in dispute resolution and can be conducted informally or through formal meetings. Successful negotiation can lead to a settlement that avoids the need for further legal action.


Mediation involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who helps the disputing parties to reach a voluntary agreement. The mediator does not decide the case but facilitates discussion and encourages solutions. Mediation is confidential, less adversarial, and can preserve business or personal relationships.


Arbitration is more formal than mediation and involves a neutral arbitrator who listens to both sides and then makes a binding decision. It is similar to a court proceeding but is usually quicker and can be kept confidential. Parties can agree to arbitration clauses in their contracts to handle any future disputes.

Benefits of ADR

The main benefits include flexibility, confidentiality, speed, and potentially lower costs compared to court proceedings. ADR also allows parties to play a more active role in resolving their dispute.

Legal Framework for ADR

Singapore has a robust legal framework supporting ADR, including the Mediation Act and the Arbitration Act, which provide the legal basis for these processes.

These approaches can offer practical and effective solutions while minimizing the negative impact of disputes.

Preventing Future Breaches Of Contract

Preventing future breaches of contract is as important as addressing current disputes. Parties can adopt various strategies to minimize the risk of contract breaches. These strategies include:

Clear Contract Drafting

Ensuring that contracts are clear, precise, and unambiguous is fundamental. Clear definitions of terms, obligations, and conditions can prevent misunderstandings that might lead to breaches.

Regular Reviews and Updates

Contracts should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any changes in circumstances, laws, or business practices. This helps ensure that the contract remains relevant and enforceable.

Risk Assessment and Management

Identifying potential risks and incorporating terms that address these risks can be crucial in avoiding disputes. This might include clauses for dispute resolution, termination, and force majeure.

Effective Communication

Maintaining open and transparent communication between parties throughout the contract term helps in addressing issues before they escalate into breaches.

Legal Consultation

Consulting legal professionals during the drafting and negotiation stages of a contract ensures that all legal aspects are covered and the contract complies with applicable laws.

Education and Training

Educating those involved in the execution and management of contracts about their obligations and the importance of compliance can reduce the likelihood of unintentional breaches.

By implementing these strategies, parties can create a more secure contractual environment, reducing the likelihood of disputes and the associated costs of resolving them.

What To Do In The Case Of A Breach Of Contract

The legal framework in Singapore provides a range of remedies to address contract breaches, from monetary compensation to specific performance. Parties involved in contractual disputes have the option to pursue legal action or opt for alternative dispute resolution methods, depending on the nature and impact of the breach.

Speak to a dispute resolution lawyer to learn more about how to navigate these complex matters with informed confidence.

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